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It’s no secret that a great website will turn website visitors into paying customers. It’s part art, part science and a whole lot of work. Your landing pages play an important role in conversions by first chicago SEO services in Chicago landing page SEOattracting, then drawing in your audience, and finally prompting them to take action.

In this post we’ll break down a landing page into its component parts so you can see where to focus your attention and create the perfect landing page.

The 10 Key Features Of A Landing Page

Great landing pages combine content with design to create an engaging user experience; everything from color and graphics placement to headlines and copy work together to deliver this experience. Here are 10 key features of effective landing pages:

  1. Strong Headlines. Every page should have a headline and that headline should complement the advertising on the page itself. Headlines and subheadings in the content should be clear and concise. You want your headlines to encourage visitors to stop and look around. Use headlines that are directly related to the content of the website to keep people on your pages longer. Just landing on a page because the headline attracted them does you no good when the user leaves right away because the content and headline didn’t match up.
  2. Flawless Grammar. Your entire website needs to have perfect grammar, not just the landing pages. You are trying to build confidence and trust in your business, which is very hard to do if every other sentence contains an error. Always double and triple check your content and have another person look at it to ensure it is clear, accurate, and grammatically correct.
  3. It Builds Trust. Your landing page is your public persona online. It is your chance to make an impression and convert customers. To do that without any face-to-face interaction you must establish trust. This can be accomplished by adding testimonials, awards, service ratings, or 3rd party certifications/verification; essentially anything that proves that others trust you.
  4. Clear Messaging. Your sales message should be clear and provide actionable steps. Sales copy should range from 1000-1500 words and explain the benefits of your offer. Don’t leave any doubt as to what the offer is, what the user will get out of it, or how to take advantage of it.
  5. Search Engine Optimized Content. Search engine optimize your landing page with keywords that are relevant. This will help boost your visibility with the search engines and earn you more site visitors. Add keywords to headlines, subheadings, and sprinkled throughout your copy for best results.
  6. A Strong Call To Action. Don’t let visitors guess what action you want them to take. Make it clear and simple for them to do. “Join Now” “Download For Free” “Call For A Quote.” These are all examples of strong, clear calls to action. Landing pages do not have to be overly complex. In fact, that strategy can backfire. The most successful pages are clean and simple with a very clear call to action
  7. Forms To Capture Leads. You will capture more leads by adding a form to your page than by relying on visitors to call or email you on their own. Forms don’t need to take up a lot of room or gather loads of information. A simple sidebar form that captures names and contact information is enough.
  8. Actions That Stand Out. Use actions words in strategic places. The most strategic location is “above the fold”. This is the sweet spot on a web page that a visitor can see without having to scroll down. It is where your most important content should go. Use action words like “Join”, “Free” or “Buy Now”, conjunction with location words and the keywords that your visitors are searching to entice visitors.
  9. Use Links Sparingly. Links may seem like a great way to get visitors to other pages, but too many links will be a distraction and cause people to leave the site before they’ve found what they came for. Remember, a landing page is not the same thing a home page. Home pages are short and sweet and direct visitors to other pages for more detailed information. Landing pages provide deeper details and insights into products and services and should therefore have a much more narrow focus than a home page.
  10. Images That Support The Content. Of course you want the images on the site to support the content. Nothing is more confusing than a page that says one thing but shows another. Using images of your own products or customers will strengthen your message and boost your image.

Our SEO Services In Chicago Can Help Improve Your Conversions

Contact Design & Promote for help designing or improving your landing pages. Our SEO services in Chicago can improve the visibility and functionality of your website. We can redesign your site to be more attractive, rewrite it to be more compelling, or add back-links to promote your landing pages.

Visit us online to learn more about our services.