Design & Promote Blog

Fresh, Creative & Engaging Ideas

LinkedIn releases a new feature- blogging. Now, businesses can optimize their internet marketing strategy by incorporating their blog posts into their professional social media profiles.

LinkedIn’s blog publishing platform has now expanded from its exclusive “influencers” availability to all LinkedIn users. The process is simple. For a LinkedIn member wishing to start publishing blogs, a request form to LinkedIn must be submitted. Then, LinkedIn will review your profile to see that you are going to use the blogging feature and provide your connections with valuable information. After that, you are all set to start blogging with the new LinkedIn blog. Design & Promote CEO Bruce Jones shares some tips for using the new LinkedIn blogging feature to ameliorate your professional profile.

linkedin blogging featureBlog about Unique Content

For the new LinkedIn blog platform to be valuable, create unique content that will grab the attention of your connections so that they are interested and feel compelled to like and share the article. Content that has been seen before, is too common, or uninteresting will be skipped over. If you do not have the time to write all unique content, rewrite some of your existing blog posts from your website or other blogging platforms that will intrigue LinkedIn members and put those onto your LinkedIn blog posts. Not only will your LinkedIn blog help command attention from your audience while at the same time educating them, but the creation of new content will mean more of your name in search results and more web traffic for you. In the end, you will get more connections for your LinkedIn profile and more attention for your business.

Link to your LinkedIn

Another one of Bruce’s LinkedIn blogging tips also explores how to grow online marketing opportunities with the new LinkedIn blog. The LinkedIn blogging feature gives users the ability to anchor text links within the article, although they are no-follow links. Although not as powerful as traditional links, the no follow links of the LinkedIn blog platform still allow users to insert links into their LinkedIn blog post and generate search engine optimization power like traditional backlinks to help your business’ inbound marketing efforts. You can never have too many links around the internet directing attention to your business, so adding LinkedIn as one of those sources will be useful.

Don’t lose their interest

The new LinkedIn blog opportunity is an exciting new possibility, but be careful not to burn people out with it. Just like all other social media networks, there are those that constantly publish to a site, and there are those who are, consequently, constantly tired of seeing news from those individuals. Publish relevant and enticing information, but not all the time or people will stop showing interest in your articles. Make it something that people will look forward to, rather than offering up more than they want.

Connecting is Crucial

The LinkedIn blogging feature is a very beneficial addition to the site’s capabilities, but the new LinkedIn blog platform will work best when a large number of connections are available to read and share the content within your new LinkedIn blog feature. Knowing how to use the LinkedIn blogging feature will in turn get you more connections, as people across the site discover your content. Bruce has 5000 LinkedIn connections. Why so many contacts? Bruce religiously sends a connection request to every single person that he meets in a networking or business environment. When someone sends Bruce a connection request, he asks himself two questions- could I turn them into a client? Or, could they refer me to someone I could turn into a client? If the answer is yes to one of these he will accept it. You never know when a connection may come in handy. Bruce has had several instances where an individual solicits his services after years of following him on LinkedIn and, for example, keeping up with his LinkedIn blog.

Features like the new LinkedIn blog help professionals and their businesses to educate other professionals on the site as well as establish a reputable online identity and attract prospective customers. By following these LinkedIn blogging tips, you too can make the most out of the new LinkedIn blog feature and build your professional profile. Contact our social media strategists for assistance with more social media and brand building.