SSL Management

How an SSL protects your website data and your visitors

The Security Problem

As soon as someone fills out a form on your website, or you perform an update, a hole can open that allows those unwanted visitors access to your website and data.

The Security Solution

Luckily, we have the tools to patch those holes from others reading or seeing your important data by encrypting your website with an SSL Certificate. You can make your entire website secure by installing an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate and direct all of your website traffic through a secured path. If you host with (Design & Promote’s Parent company), we can handle that for you or you can contact your hosting or IT provider.

Your Next Steps

If you currently host with, we are able to install the SSL Certificate throughout your website and update the key references that ensure that your website is secure. The charge is $180 for the migration service. There is an annual fee of $200 for the Thawte SSL Certification. has an SSL Hotline for those who are ready to move forward. Please call at 331-256-2241 or simply send an email to [email protected] with “DO IT” as the subject line.

Secure My Website Today!

In October of 2017, browsers will began to show warnings that indicate when pages are not secured by an SSL Certificate. These warnings are being implemented first by a Google Chrome update (Version 62) in order to encourage a safer online experience.

Due to this update, we recommend the investment into an SSL Certificate to all of our customers. Google Chrome officially announced that eventually, all website pages will need to be secured by an SSL (whether they include a form or not).

What is an SSL?

Ensuring secure communications on your website

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol that ensures secure communications over computer networks. An SSL Certificate is a digital document that verifies that the content provided from a website is from the correct sender.

An SSL Certificate is associated with an annual cost and discounts are available for multiple year purchases. If your website is being updated to include an SSL Certificate, a one-time cost should be expected to update website references such as file references throughout the site and off-site inclusion scripts to ensure that all references are compliant and secure.

Are you in the process of building a new website? Our recommendation is to consider the option to have the website built for SSL compliance in order to save yourself the cost of applying these updates to your website at a later date.

The benefit to SEO for having an SSL

How the simple addition of an SSL can boost your SEO rankings

Our SEO experts have noted a marked improvement of up to a 5% increase by the simple addition of an SSL throughout a website. The overall consensus is that there is a boost upwards in rank for website compliance with SSL standards or an undocumented penalty towards ranking is applied for the lack of an SSL. Sources indicate that the former is most likely the case. The conclusion is that SSLs were not required in the past, therefore, there should be no logical basis to penalize for lacking an SSL now.

E-Commerce Website Security

Providing peace of mind to your customers

SSL Certificates provide peace of mind for consumers as it is a simple way to show that your e-commerce website can be trusted. Consumers want to know that an e-commerce website is secure and authentic before completing a purchase. Consumers also want to know that their personal information and credit card information will not fall into the wrong hands. Having and maintaining an SSL Certificate on an E-Commerce website is required by browsers to ensure secure transactions online.

Thawte SSL Certificates

Design and Promote’s parent company,, has partnered with Thawte in order to provide customers with a better price for SSL Certificates. Thawte is an industry leader around the globe for their digital certificate products and is the only Certificate Authority (CA) that has representatives around the world.

SSL Pricing Options

1 Year Certificate – $200

3 Year Certificate – $350

Initial Set-up for all sites: $180

Have Questions about SSLs?

Read our frequently asked questions about SSLs page to learn more!

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Ready to secure your website?

Secure your website data and provide peace of mind for your website visitors by installing an SSL certificate on your site.