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video seo optimization chicagoHave you ever wondered how to optimize your videos for search results? With Google and YouTube using different algorithms, learning how to optimize your video for search results may seem overwhelming at times. In this review, Chicago SEO company Design & Promote shares six tips for optimizing your videos.

#1 – Post your video on multiple platforms.

Chicago SEO experts note that the first way to maximize video visibility is by posting your video on multiple platforms. Instead of either posting your video on your website only or on YouTube only, do both. In fact, the best way to set your video up for success is by posting it on your site, posting it on YouTube, and embedding the YouTube video in your site.

#2 – Host videos that viewers will find interesting.

One of the primary keys to successful video SEO is simply hosting videos that viewers will be interested in. Chicago SEO companies say the most successful videos are engaging and high quality. Not to mention, the more interesting the content of a video is, the more likely users will be to comment on and share it.

#3 – Embed video links in your site.

Chicago SEO experts recommend embedding video links in your site. Not only does this cause Google to notice you more, but it also enhances your website’s credibility. Since hundreds of millions of Americans watch videos online, the majority of internet marketing companies are taking advantage of videos to enhance inbound marketing.

#4 – Host videos that encourage longer visits.

Not only will videos bring viewers to your site, but they also cause them to stay on your site longer. Studies show that most people will stay on a site with videos longer than a site with text only. Studies also show that videos not only help your analytics, but they also make users more likely to buy your products.

#5 – Capitalize on the first several hours after posting a video.

When it comes to video optimization, Chicago SEO experts say time is of the essence. The first two days after a video is posted is the most crucial time period for video exposure. Your goal is to use social media to get as many views, likes, comments, and shares in those first two days as possible.

#6 – Host one video per landing page on your website.

Some people may have the theory that if videos are so beneficial, they should just include as many videos as possible on every landing page. Chicago SEO experts say this is not the best approach. Instead, they recommend only hosting one video per landing page and focusing all of your SEO efforts on that video. They recommend having engaging text on the landing pages as well in order to make a more complete experience for users.

These are just a few tips for your video SEO strategy. For more information on SEO, internet marketing, branding and website design, contact Design & Promote today.