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A big thank you to everyone who attended the Design & Promote Google seminar on how to use Google tools for you and your business.

Chicago SEO company Design & Promote’s CEO Bruce Jones recently presented on Google tools at our monthly seminar. The presentation aimed to explore the many features of Google that most people do not know about. Design & Promote Google seminarThese points were developed in three parts: google tools for you, google tools for your business, and google tools for website. For those of you who were unable to attend, or would like to see a quick recap, here is a summary of all of the information Bruce shared with us in his Chicago internet marketing seminar.

Google Tools for You

Google customer searches were the first topic discussed by Bruce and the team of his Chicago SEO company as just one of the many tools that can make our lives easier. Voice searches on your phone allow you to speak into the phone and get answers read directly out to you by Google. The Google weather feature, Google directions, and Google flight check tool, amongst others, play part of these voice response services.

Other little tools that will facilitate your personal life include the Google timer, Google food check, Google sunrise- sunset, Google calculator, Google unit converter, Google maps, Google translator, Google image search, search design and promote google searchhistory, and tip calculator.

Google drive and Google docs are easy ways to hold your files right on your Google account and access anywhere, even while simultaneously sharing and collaborating on documents with other Google users. Google cloud print facilitates wireless printing; Google Picasa acts as a photo sharing method; Google blogger is a blogging tool; and Google calendar is a calendar function. Of course, Gmail is the Google email service behind many of these functions, and Google Plus is a social media function.

Google Tools for your Business

The Chicago internet marketing seminar notes that Google plus can be used for business purposes as well, and on that note Google reviews can be used simultaneously to show viewers your business reviews. Some more features of Google that will help your business inside and out are: Google hangouts, design and promote google seminarYoutube, Google alerts, Google news, and Google 360 Virtual Tours.

Google Tools for Your Website

The starting point of your website should be Google AdWords, where the keyword planner allows you to figure out what people are searching when looking for your products and services. Then, Google analytics provide a free service to analyze your website and internet marketing strategy. Google Authorship tracks individual profiles to accredit them their published works and give readers more insight on the man behind the writing.

Webmaster tools from Google are useful for tracking the progress and evolution of SEO, and many businesses choose to use Google AdWords as paid advertising. Finally, who can overlook the importance of Google search results for websites, businesses, and personal use alike?

Let Google tools help you, your business, and your website, explains Chicago SEO Company CEO Bruce Jones. Uncovering all of the tools that Google has to offer allows you to work faster and better. Thanks once again to all of you who made it out to our Chicago Internet Marketing Seminar. Register for our next Design & Promote seminar on “How to Take Better Photos”, and if you still need to get to number one on Google after all of this Google tools help, hire Design & Promote!


If you missed our seminar, or would like to refer back to some of the Google tools help, view our presentation below.