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LinkedIn Profile Tips From A Social Media Agency In Chicago

If you’ve been ignoring LinkedIn as a source of targeted traffic and leads, you’re leaving a lot of opportunity on the table. The social networking site claims more than 400 million registered users. Your audience, the folks who want in your products and services, is using it to connect. Why not take advantage of that fact?

One of the most important things you can do is to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Below, you’ll find a series of tips that will help you do so.

As a leading social media agency in Chicago, we believe audience engagement starts with making personal linkedin profile tips chicago social media agencyconnections. The following tips are ones we know to work on LinkedIn. They’ll help you to stand apart from your competition and outshine them in 2016.

#1 – Optimize Your Profile For Public Searches

People are going to search for you on Google. When they do, one of the first listings they’ll hopefully see is your LinkedIn profile. It’s critical that your public profile, the one people see when they’re not logged in to LinkedIn, is enticing enough to motivate them to investigate further.

How do you make your public profile enticing to your audience? Access your account settings page. Then, check the boxes that reflect the features you want to display. For example, you might choose to show an attractive headshot along with a listing of your awards, skills, endorsements and education.

#2 – Pick Keywords Your Audience Uses

People use keywords to search for professionals on LinkedIn. Optimize your profile with the phrases your audience uses.

For example, suppose you run a social media agency in Chicago. Your profile should come up when people use that keyword phrase. If it does, you’ll gain an instant advantage over your competitors whose pages don’t appear.

#3 – Give Recommendations

Recommendations can mean the difference between someone hiring your company and deciding to hire your competition. The challenge is obtaining them.

One strategy is to engage in an outreach program. You’d identify someone you’d like to recommend you. Then, you’d craft a carefully worded request asking the individual to do so. It’s a tough, frustrating road to travel. Many of your requests will be ignored.

Fortunately, there’s a much simpler strategy: make recommendations. When you recommend other people on LinkedIn, they’re notified of the mention. When they see that you’ve recommended them, they’ll be inclined to return the favor.

#4 – Blog On LinkedIn Citing Resources On Your Website

LinkedIn has a massive footprint. As mentioned above, it boasts 400 million users. The key is that many of them tune in regularly to read Pulse, the site’s blog. Why not leverage that attention to engage people who share your interests and coax them to your website?

An easy strategy for making this work is to write blog posts for Pulse that offer readers a list of valuable resources. Explain how each resource will help the reader accomplish a specific goal. Provide additional information about each resource on your site, giving readers an incentive to visit.

#5 – Comment On Content Shared In Your Network

Social media marketing is about sharing and connecting with likeminded individuals over interesting content. When someone in your network shares an article, blog or update relevant to your interests and expertise, be sure to comment on it. Doing so gives your profile more visibility.

While you’re at it, you should also share insightful content with people whose interests dovetail with your own. Post it to Twitter, post it to relevant LinkedIn groups or send it via a personal message to someone in your network.

#6 – Make Your Profile Visually-Engaging

Photos, infographics, screenshots and other visual content grab attention. Nowhere is that truer than on LinkedIn. The good news is that LinkedIn allows you to spice up your profile with these and other design elements.

Take advantage of that feature. Add visual content to your profile that engages your audience and communicates in a way that text alone can’t match.

#7 – Link To Your Profile In The Emails You Send

Use every opportunity to promote your LinkedIn profile. Be subtle and tasteful.

For example, include a link to your profile in your email signature. When folks read your emails, they’ll glance at your signature and notice the link. Those who want to know more about you and what your company offers will click through to view your page.

If you use Gmail, consider adding a LinkedIn button to your email signature. The button will draw attention because it’s a form of visual content. When clicked, it will take the reader directly to your profile page.

If you want to leverage LinkedIn’s search visibility and massive reach, be sure to make your profile as engaging as possible. Use the tips above to enhance it so it upstages those of your competition.

Design & Promote is a full-service social marketing agency in Chicago. Its team of experts works closely with clients to design innovative campaigns that engage their audiences and cultivate fans. Contact Design & Promote today to find out how a well-executed social marketing initiative can help your business to shine in 2016.