Design & Promote Blog

Fresh, Creative & Engaging Ideas

The next seminar in the Design & Promote Effective Marketing Training Seminar Series will concentrate on capturing an often overlooked goldmine of interested, prospective sales leads:  your website visitors.

Identify web visitors and turn them into leads

Do You Know Who Your Web Visitors Are?

“Your website should not only be giving your customers information; it should be feeding you qualified leads to help grow your business,” said Bruce Jones, CEO of Design & Promote.

Bruce will present a seminar entitled “Turn Anonymous Website Visitors into Qualified Leads” on Wednesday, February 20 from 4-6 p.m. at the Design & Promote lower level conference room.  Over the years, Bruce has helped scores of businesses successfully transform their website traffic into qualified new business by helping them develop an effective strategy for tracking and connecting with website visitors. “Studies show that website visitors only identify themselves about 3% of the time. I will share proven techniques and tools that can help businesses capture and convert the other 97%,” he said.

The seminar will cover:

  • Why every business can benefit from website visitor analytics
  • How to use important tools like Statcounter to capture your website visitors
  • Tools and techniques to uncover website visitor company and contact information
  • How to incorporate a website lead conversion strategy into your marketing efforts
  • How to appropriately follow up website leads with social media and telephone calls

Seminars are free, but registration is required. Click here to register.   All seminars are held at the Design & Promote conference center in the DynaCom Center I building at 1952 McDowell Rd., Naperville, IL.