Design & Promote Blog

Fresh, Creative & Engaging Ideas

I have asked a few people lately some questions about their online marketing efforts.

Do you have a website?
Are you looking to get your business noticed?
Are you still advertising in the yellow pages?
How is your website traffic?
Are you able to track where your leads are coming from?

Two of the only questions that people were able to answer was – Yes, I have a website.  Yes, I advertise in the Yellow Pages.

Many companies will invest the time in having a website built, but is it structurally able to produce results when it comes to your traffic and exposure?

Many companies are approached by SEO Firms with the “guarantee” of being number one in Google, MSN or Yahoo, the top three search engines. The fact of the matter is search engines and search marketing changes continually; over time we have seen proven results in the increase in traffic and lead generation due to various techniques in search marketing and SEO. Can we guarantee you will be number one in Google, no, but we will guarantee to continue to work with you toward your internet marketing goals.