Design & Promote Blog

Fresh, Creative & Engaging Ideas

social media marketing in chicagoIf social media isn’t officially part of your marketing campaign, you’re probably missing opportunities. According to any social media company in Chicago, these are opportunities that you cannot afford to miss. Tweets, posts, shares, likes, recommendations – they are all ways to promote your business.

Our social media company in Chicago has been integrating social media into our clients’ marketing efforts from the very beginning. We keep abreast of the latest developments, additions, and changes in social media marketing. In this post the strategists at our social media company in Chicago will introduce a few of the newer changes and explain how they can help boost your social media presence.

A Social Media Company in Chicago on Tools You Can Use

• Facebook Native Ads.

Facebook’s native ad tools have been around since 2014. During that time, Facebook Ads have proven to be effective at reaching target audiences and yielding results for publishers. Facebook has recently added new tools to help publishers more easily create, post, and manage native ads. Tools include: native ad templates, native ad management tools and horizontal scrolling for native ads. Used correctly, the tools should help publishers create ads that fit more naturally into the way an app is used and still target the right audience.

• LinkedIn Analytics For Publishing.

LinkedIn is the place to share your expertise and many people use the site for publishing content. Up until now it’s been difficult to know how effective that publishing has been or who is picking up on it. LinkedIn’s new Analytics for Publishing tool changes that. Using the tool, you can select any of your posts to get feedback on the post’s performance. Find out how many comments, shares, views, and likes it achieved. Armed with this data, you’ll have a better idea of what your readers want from you and for which topics they visit you.

• LinkedIn Blogging A.K.A Publishing Long Form Posts.

Benefit number #1 as said on LinkedIn, “Your long-form post is searchable both on and off of LinkedIn.” Publishing on LinkedIn is smart SEO and social media. Publishing is free to do, all you need is to sit down and write or get help from someone to write it for you. This feature is only available for individual profiles not company pages.

What else does LinkedIn publishing offer? Free publicity. Ever notice those emails from LinkedIn with network updates? Your post is shared with your network via email too!

• Google+ Collections.

Google+ Collections helps you organize your Google+ content by topic. This makes it very easy for a viewer to scan your page, find the topic they are looking for, and delve into your posts for more detailed information.

• Google Search Analytics.

Google’s new Search Analytics tool provides in-depth web and mobile site traffic analysis. You’ll be able to break down and filter the data in many new ways, even allowing you to view searches by country. Search Analytics will eventually replace Google’s Search Queries tool. For now, both can be found in Google Webmaster Tools. How does this help? It allows you to see which social sites are bring in more traffic to your website. It’s okay to cut out social media sites that aren’t working. Google analytics is loved by every social media company in Chicago because it helps bench mark social traffic.

Create a Targeted Social Media Campaign with Help From Our Social Media Company In Chicago

Social media is just as integral to your marketing campaign as your website. It’s a much more effective way to reach a wider audience and it’s been proven to influence consumer purchasing decisions. Simply having an account is not enough. To make the most of your social media presence, contact social media company in Chicago Design & Promote. Our social media company in Chicago helps businesses and organizations of all sizes build up their social sites to connect and build strong relationships with their customers. The strategists at our social media company in Chicago can help you start from scratch or tweak what you’ve already started by developing a strategy for your social media efforts, creating content, and analyzing results.

Learn more about social media marketing by calling us at 630-995-7109 or visit